
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert


As you might know that HSHMM recently went to Guong Zhou and Andy哥 did an interview for 網易 and he talked a lot about HSH & BBT.

I don't have the video (don't even know if there's one) but I was reading the interview. Although it was real long but it was interesting, he talked about how did he started with the show "Wo Ai Hei Se Hui" and selecting the host and etc.

Not that I would translation the whole interview as it's too long but I'll just point out some parts which I want to share.

CHANNEL V台灣總監Andy說:其實這部戲現在暫定的人選是王子、小煜、阿緯、小蠻、丫頭、小薰,還有阿本跟小馬都會參与演出。這個節目有很多不同角色去做區分,但是怎樣用時裝跟功夫的武俠去展現一個好笑、輕松又完整的劇。現在很多愛情偶像劇,我認為現在愛情對美眉們還早,我認為中國最厲害就是功夫,可以讓國外的人認為功夫是非常厲害的事情。我們希望在這里面創造一些新的東西,讓粉絲們看到不同的戲。

Choco-late Translation:
Currently the selected casts is Wang Zi, Xiao Yu, A Wei, Xiao Man, Ya Tou, Xiao Xun and A Ben and Xiao Ma will also be participating in it. In this drama there be a lot of different character and to use present combined with kung fu to make a comedy, relaxing and complete drama.

As for now there's a lot of love drama, I reckon meimeis are still too young and I think in China the most amazing thing is kung fu, this will let oversea audiences to know how amazing kung fu is. We are also creating new things for fans to see a different sort of drama.

I totally agree with you Andy ge, these days Taiwanese idol dramas are all about love (because most of them are originally from manga) and that is why I'm sick of it. So that is why I like watching HTMQD because it's less on love but more on brotherly love.


CHANNEL V台灣總監Andy說:我是反對的,很多弟弟美眉未滿18歲,我不准他們戀愛。如果大家一起想湊合鬼鬼和王子在一起,那是否會影響工作,或者他們分手了也會影響工作。鬼鬼也很欣賞王子,王子也很欣賞鬼鬼,但是他們的年紀都太小了,在現階段大家都沒有時間。


CHANNEL V台灣總監Andy說:鬼鬼會鬧王子,他們兩個之間會有點像哥哥跟妹妹,也會弟弟跟姐姐一樣的感覺。不光是棒棒堂的誰或者黑澀會的誰,大家都像家庭一樣,跟家庭怎么去談戀愛。

Choco-late Translation:
Host: If any of the didi and meimei likes each other, will you let them?

Andy ge: I would against, as a lot of the meimei and didi are still under 18 so I won't allow them. If everyone wants to match Gui Gui and Wang Zi together it might affect their work or if they broke up it can also affect their work. Gui Gui really appreciate Wang Zi and Wang Zi also appreciate Gui Gui. At the moment they are still too young and they don't have the time for it.

Host: Is it the feeling hasn't come yet?

Andy ge: Gui Gui would play/fight with Wang Zi, the feelings between them two looks a bit like big brother and little sister or big sister and little brother. Everyone in BBT and HSH is like a family, can't possible go out with a family member?

This part is for all the guiwang fans. When Andy ge said he against it because of those 2 reasons mention above doesn't it just seem like he's scared when they get together it will affect their work? Looks like Andy ge have been noticing the guiwang fans since he knew that so many fans wanted them two to pair up again. Actually I think every BBT and HSH knows about it.
Them 2 likes brother and sister? That would be cute.


CHANNEL V台灣總監Andy說:其實的事情,老師說大家不要討論這事,Andy哥不是藝人,我還是希望低調,婚姻是一個大事,對我而言這是自己的,所以沒有打算跟大家說什么。這件事情還在商量當中,黑人講話要客觀,但是他有打電話跟我道歉,我認為一切都是低調處理,但是都有在談,真的有100%确定,我會讓大家知道。

Choco-late Translation:
Host: Yesterday Hei Ren said 19th May you're...

Andy ge: Actually I don't want this to be discuss as Andy ge is not a artist. I want it to be low profile. Marriage is a big thing to me and this is my own issue so I didn't plan to tell anyone.
This is still in discussion, Hei Ren has phoned me saying sorry. I wanted this to be low profile, if this is 100% decided I will inform everyone.

Lately in baidu I've read that Hei Ren accidentally said that Andy ge will be getting marry and I think this part is his reply.
Andy ge is getting marry??? How cool, I wonder what his wife looks like. And I'm sure Fanfan, Hei Ren, HSH and BBT will all be attending his wedding (only if he held one as he kept on saying he wants it to be low profiled and with this much artists attending the wedding is it possible to be low profiled?)

That's all for me but if you want to read the whole interview go here:

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