I finally got an idea how to use PPS and I tried it this morning, it works fine. And since now all of the ones who used to record BBT has stopped, maybe you can try steaming the PPS yourself and see even though I know it lags a lot.
1. First of all you need to download the PPS application from the official website: http://www.ppstream.com/ or the link I've uploaded http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IVI3SX7G (If you download from my link you need to unzip the file with winrar which can be downloaded for free, just need to search it up on google)
2. After you have installed the application it's pretty much done. Open up the application and it will look like a player, on the left hand side there is a list of shows you can watch. Click on the "Variety Show" list and scroll down until you see "lollipop" just like the image on the bottom. Double click on it and wait until it loads.
But as you can see on the image on the bottom after "lollipop(renews 0206)" there's a date said "2008-01-31" that is the episode which being broadcast, so if you double click on the link you'll be watching that episode. The date changes according to what episode they are broadcasting.
If you see a date and you don't know what topic it is go here to check the topic of the episode.
I have watched half a episode this morning using this way and to me it didn't lag at all, it was streaming pretty good. But you need a pretty fast connection (at least ADSL) to watch it, otherwise you'll be waiting forever.
And of course you there plenty of other shows you can watch, there is even HSH just look for "Blackie" and double click on the link just like I have said.
Okay, now I will tell you how to stream the channel Channel[V].
I am not sure if all the TV show time is exactly the same as the TV version, but I assume it should be.
1. After installing the application, on the top menu (as it is a Chinese application, your computer might not able to read it so it will become stuff up characters), on the first menu where it has "(P)" click on it and click on to the 2nd option where there is "(U)".
This is what it will show up (see below)Whatever is on that text field just delete it and input this link: ppstream://hwhk6s3cnu62zrilapmt3ajzjyb5spmytweahwo3tetyma6zzjr6syqd3hjcmaybap
m5ejqdamb5s.pps/Q4YMCPJTC65UTAUB4INAJWREM2RJ46HY (There's no spacing in the link).
This is the actual link to view the channel Channel[V]. I have tried the link and it works just that it does lags when I was trying it out.
BBT broadcasting time is 11pm and whatever country you are in just check the time difference. I'll try to stream Channel[V] during when BBT is being broadcast and see if I can really watch it.
This post will be edit once I have try it out. If you have any questions about this post please leave a comment on this post and not on the cbox.
Although it looks pretty troublesome, but it's not bad to try it out and see. Plus if you're really bored and got a fast connection why not try to watch some TV shows through this?
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- 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert
How to watch BBT on PPS Labels: How to... | 26 comments»
Friday, 15 February 2008 at 7:15 am
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26 Responses to "How to watch BBT on PPS" (Leave A Comment)
15 February 2008 at 5:45 pm
yup. PPS is indeed clearer!
But, their updates are very slow though. Cus their lastest ep is still at 080208. And, it cannot fast-forward nor back-track the video.
15 February 2008 at 6:01 pm
That is true, the only bad thing is u can't select what episode u want to watch, all you can do is wait for it like TV.
15 February 2008 at 11:25 pm
I can't stream the channel v ... But i can watch the videos, very clear. :D
16 February 2008 at 7:41 am
when bbt is on, (11pm in taiwan), it will show up in the "currently boardcasting" list (or whatever it might be... mine's in chinese, so i don't really know xD).. so you don't actually need the link for channel [v]
16 February 2008 at 12:34 pm
yeah, that is true.
Because when u see "[live]" it means it's live.
But it's very strange, I think I might got the time wrong, I was steaming the channel[v] link and it was HSH and not BBT.
I think I need to try again and get the time right.
16 February 2008 at 10:17 pm
i was on time for the MFBBT yesterday.. but it was super laggy and the topic wasn't very interesting so i stopped watching. MFBBT is broadcasted in taiwan from 11pm to 12pm, and after 12pm channel v starts repeating that day's episode of HSH and then MFBBT again. Thats why you saw HSH instead.
17 February 2008 at 8:36 am
oh ic.. i probably need to try it again.
17 February 2008 at 12:48 pm
its clearer...thats definatee
but does anybody have the link
your suppose to copy and paste in chinese?? cuz it doesn't work on mines.. i don't have weird words and scribbles in my pps player..so
17 February 2008 at 2:01 pm
Ya, pps is clearer.
But why i input the link that you given us, is not the day that channel v is showing. My friend have cable and i checked with her and pps and the cable channel v is showing the diff show???
17 February 2008 at 2:45 pm
nvm..it works..but
it freezes up sooo
many timesss...
is there any way to fix
18 February 2008 at 11:08 am
@robin: i dont think there's a way to fix the lagging problem. Everyone who use PPS seem to have that kind of problem, one thing I can say is that it lags probably because ur connection is not fast enough.
@Anonymous: The link is suppose to be the link for Channel[V] in Taiwan, I don't know why it's different from your friend TV. Maybe ur friend's area is different.
18 February 2008 at 11:51 am
does anybody know the link for other channels?? like channels..not the actual shows....like for ex: cartoonnetwork ex: GTV
or where to find them?
and for the channel [V] is it the
same broadcasting time as China or Taiwan?
20 February 2008 at 3:36 am
sorry nope! I don't have links for other channel, i think you need to search it up for urself.
20 February 2008 at 11:41 am
issok i found the main channels i was looking for
thanksss anywayss =]=]=]
7 July 2008 at 3:05 pm
Hi Choco-late, i was wondering if there is anyway of fixing the lagging problem? i'm pretty sure it's not the internet connection problem? because i've got a cable connection going on here and when i watch others like TVU or TVAnts, they dont lag...
At first, i thought TVU's Channel [V] was Taiwan's, however, it turns out that it wasn't >.<
7 December 2008 at 4:27 pm
This is a really late reply but hope you're reading it.
I don't think there's a way to fix the lagging problem, I think it might be the PPS server which lags.
9 December 2008 at 4:12 pm
came across your page when searching for help on PPS.
your instructions were clear.
for mine, i cannot see the chinese words, it was all in ???.
so i would like to ask if after i enter the link, will it auto-stream it or?
9 December 2008 at 4:27 pm
after u enter the URL it will auto stream, you would see the buffer percentage at the bottom like all other players.
The URL for Channel[V] seem like it won't work anymore. This is the new URL I found online: ppstream://hqonll2ad46zp44diapx2lrzbvab66ijzfreahy.pps/Q4CXVTLNAAK6V2FTPMLEP2K7YWVW5AOK?netmode=2&oldstream=1
9 December 2008 at 4:36 pm
will try it first(:
THANKYOU loads<3
9 December 2008 at 4:37 pm
oh, the link can be use at anytime for the shows broadcast on Channel V, right?:)
11 December 2008 at 11:04 am
hi do you know how to record videos from pps?
17 December 2008 at 10:00 pm
do you have the link for pps tv GTV de..
26 January 2009 at 12:41 am
Hi I downloaded pps tv and after reading this post I tried to put the new url in the box but it doesnt seem to load.. and, on the left side bar, funny looking characters pop up instead of english words and I cannot seem to find the bbt or blackie programs.. Anyone can help? :)
16 February 2009 at 5:53 am
Im pretty desperate to watch channel [v] after sreaching down google a 100 time an installing and deleting pps trice I ended up at this very familiar site to me...
The problem is, I cant read chinese so pps is like a hell to me anyway. And words in the list arent even chinese but just some weird letter combinations... but after clicking on every button at pps I stil found nothing about channel [v] or lollipop. if I press ctrl + u and add the link nothing happens.
A long time passed since your last post here, tough I hope you help me out.
17 February 2009 at 11:11 pm
I used the link you posted later and it does work now. But I think I have the wrong channel. Star Movie or something like that.
19 July 2010 at 10:57 pm
Hi, I really want to watch Channel [V] and I followed every step you said to stream Channel [V] until the link you posted: ppstream://hwhk6s3cnu62zrilapmt3ajzjyb5spmytweahwo3tetyma6zzjr6syqd3hjcmaybap
doesn't work, I was wondering is it because this post was posted in 2008 and so because it's already 2 years ago, the link is dead or something, would you be able to hlpe me out here?
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