
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert


I think this voting event "劲歌王" is held in China as the website is from China (the url has "cn" on it).

But it doesn't matter as long as there's Lollipop on the nominated on the "台湾最有前途新人组合 (Taiwanese most has future new comer group) " . At the moment there's Lollipop, Da Mouth and K ONE on the list to vote.

Although Lollipop is in first place but let's all vote of them so they can get more votes.

Vote in here:台湾最有前途新人组合

Also since Lollipop and Show Luo is in the same company and good friends. Show is nominated in the "台湾最受欢迎男歌手 (Taiwan most popular male artist)" and currently he's 2nd losing to Vic Chou, might as well vote for him as well.

Vote in here:台湾最受欢迎男歌手

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