
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert


Anyone remember who that bald kid is?
That is Ah Nuo from "It Started with a Kiss", which is the character that Wang Zi will be acting as. I found this article in the forum which talks about Ah Nuo's character in "It Started with a Kiss 2". I'm sure everyone would want to know what kind of character Wang Zi is playing as.

In "It Started with a Kiss 2" Xiang Qin has become a nurse and Zhi Shu has become a doctor, they both work in the same hospital. Not long after they started working in that hospital there's a rumor that a famous idol is staying at that hospital. All the females were so excited including Xiang Qin as well. That famous idol is Ah Nuo, when Ah Nuo saw Xiang Qin he quickly hugged her and said "You've become a nurse? You really become a nurse?" Such a sudden hug scared Xiang Qin, Zhi Shu came over and said "Are you Ah Nuo?"

Yu Shu and Ah Nuo known each other when they were a kid in the hospital. Yu Shu was so happy to see Ah Nuo again and even invite him to his house. When Ah Nuo was in Yu Shu's house Yu Shu's mum asked Ah Nuo "Do you have a girlfriend at the moment?". Ah Nuo calmly replied "I don't have a girlfriend, but lots of female partners."

Then the scene in the preview, Ah Nuo was flirting with Yu Shu's girlfriend, Yu Shu found out and hit him and he went to hospital.
Later Zhi Shu tried to convince Ah Nuo for operation, Ah Nuo rejected and Xiang Qin hit him. Xiang Qin ran out to the veranda, Ah Nuo followed her his head leaned onto her back and said "I accept the operation". After the operation and Ah Nuo has recover, his career in the entertainment industry were going smoothly.

That was about it. After reading that I'm more excited toward Wang Zi playing as Ah Nuo this character. And Wang Zi's character is a playboy, totally the opposite of Wang Zi. It seem like a challenge for Wang Zi, I hope he does really well and then gets more role in future.

2 Responses to "惡作劇2吻之阿諾的角色" (Leave A Comment)

Anonymous says
30 November 2007 at 6:36 pm

but wangzi's character is like so impossible to act.
cause ah nuo thad time so young.
then now in ISWAK 2 , where got ppl grow up so fast.
wangzi is like twice the bald boy age. thad means xiangqin and zhishu and yushu grow twice also..
this show is so incredible :/

Anonymous says
30 November 2007 at 7:22 pm

Maybe it's possible.
But it doesn't matter as long as we can see Wang Zi in it.

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