
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

New Drama "Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan (黑糖群俠傳)"

Taiwanese popular groups Lollipop and Blackies, after "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo (黑糖马奇朵)" these two groups will once again cooperate in filming a new drama called "Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan (黑糖群俠傳)". But because the two groups adds up together is a lot of people so the producer is planning to select 3 guys and 3 girls out of the two groups.

At first the casts which were selected were more popular such as Ao Quan, Ya Tou etc. But was replaced by Wang Zi and Xiao Xun, to avoid fans complaining the casting list has not announced yet.

According to the news weekly "Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan (黑糖群俠傳)" will start filming at the end of April. To prevent the complication in "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo (黑糖马奇朵)" as there was a total of 14 casts, this time 3 guys and 3 girls will be selected.
As there is 14 to choose from the producer is having difficulties in selecting the casts.

The producer wishes "Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan (黑糖群俠傳)" to have a strong casting crew, so it was locked to members who have higher popularity such as Ao Quan, Wang Zi, Gui Gui, Xiao Xun, Mei Mei etc. But the producer also wishes to boost up members who have lesser popularity so Ao Quan, Gui Gui and Mei Mei was out of the list. And at the moment it's Wang Zi, Xiao Xun, A Wei, Ya Tou, Xiao Yu and Xiao Man.
But this group was questioned by the fans, asking why Wei Lian, Xiao Jie, Da Ya and Apple to have higher popularity is not in the list.
As supposed Ya Tou to be the main female lead but as the producer cooperated with Xiao Xun in "18 Jin Bu Jin (18禁不禁)" and was so knee on using Xiao Xun as the main female lead.

Other than stressing about the casts selection schedule is also a problem. Like Gui Gui and Ao Quan has a movie in hand and Mei Mei is starring in a drama called "Bu Liang Xiao Hua (不良笑花)", it is hard to balance it out.

To prevent the unfairness with Xiao Xun being the main female lead, the final casts list is confidential, nothing will be announced until it's finalise.
"Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan (黑糖群俠傳)" will be similar to a Korean Movie "Huo San Gao Xiao(火山高校)", genre is action comedy plus the love story between the 6 casts.

Translated by Choco-late

I'm sure if you have listened to the radio interview when Lollipop in Guang Zhou you will hear them talking about a new drama with HSHMM. I was curious when I first heard it and wasn't too sure if it's real, but it should be since they said it themselves.

If I could choose I would like the casting to be Wang Zi, Ao Quan, Xiao Jie, Gui Gui, Ya Tou and Xiao Man. Wang Zi is a must for me since he's my favorite, but I think he has a high chance in being the first male lead.

I don't have high hopes in Gui Gui being in the list because up until now "Pi Li MIT" has still not finish filming yet. But if Gui Gui is really selected, the chances of her and Wang Zi being paired again would be 0.1%. Since "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" the amount of GuiWang supporters are increasing, not that it's a bad thing but some fans have gone too over. And do you think they will put them together again to excite these fans? No.

To me it would be nice to see 14 of them together again, the amount of casts didn't bother me at all in "Hei Tang Ma Qi Duo" as it revolves around Lollipop more. But if they extended to 20 episodes instead of being 13 episodes, they could have talked about the other couples and the story will be more complete.

And if Xiao Xun is selected then this will be her 4th drama, which is out numbering the rest of the meimeis. I don't particular have any feelings for her so I don't mind her being selected as the first female lead but if Wang Zi is selected as the first male lead, I just have this strange feeling when imagining Wang Zi and Xiao Xun as a couple.

The following was just my own opinion.

Well the final list is not announced so we still have a chance of thinking who we want to be in the list. Anything can be possible just think positively, more news will be posted if there is.

8 Responses to "New Drama "Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan (黑糖群俠傳)"" (Leave A Comment)

Unknown says
27 March 2008 at 5:07 am

i really hope A-Wei gets a role because he has that natural comedic side to him.. so if there was a role for a character like that, he would be able to do it well without going too "over" :]

i like the idea of casting the people with lesser popularity, b/c they do deserve that chance. but then again, of course i would love to see the ppl i prefer on the show too.. haha

thanks for the news!

Anonymous says
27 March 2008 at 9:38 am

personally, i would LOVE wangzi, aoquan and xiaojie to be in the show, but i also want the rest of lollipop >.<
it's so not cool to see only half of them~~
don't really care about the girls, although wang-xun pair doesn't really work for me = =a
i would paise the producer if he chose gui-wang pair again~ but like you said, it's probably not going to happen due to obvious reasons...

Choco-late says
27 March 2008 at 5:31 pm

I also don't think the producer will pair up the same pairing in HTMQD. They probably want something fresh.

But it would be so cool to see all of them together again, the boys + girls.

Anonymous says
8 April 2008 at 10:10 pm

i hope they all choose 6 boys and 6 gals..
hei se hui gt so many show to film esp xiao xun and meimei..
should give bbt more chance

Anonymous says
13 May 2008 at 11:06 am

I dont like wang zi with xiao xun at all.....
I only like wang zi with gui zi looks match with gui gui but not xiao so unhappy about the pairing of this drama...=(

Anonymous says
1 June 2008 at 3:27 am

well i think that the main boys should be wang zi, ao quan and xiou ma abd the girls should be gui gui, da ya, ya tou because all of them would be great and also the other could play small parts and show up in some ep

Anonymous says
30 June 2008 at 2:31 am

When will this TV drama be over? Because then I can ask my dad to get the DVD while he is in China? Does anyone know?

I'm excited, but I really hope that both Xiao Jie's get a role. I think that the producers should extend their storyline more, because it seemed like they just got together in the last episode, and then it ended >W<

Anonymous says
19 September 2008 at 4:35 pm

i think is ok if xiao xun wif wang zhi a pair...but nt ya tou cause bu pei lorh...

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