
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

[News] Lollipop, Hey Girl and Mo Fan Qi Bang share the same reward

[2008-11-28] Recently there’s a turn down in the economy, which affected the artists’ as well big shopping centre invited the “Taiwanese gang” to boost the economy. Lollipop, Mo Fan Qi Bang and Hey Girl will be staying at Hong Kong for the New Year Eve.

After a turn down in the economy many artists’ were affected but the Taiwanese group was still popular, many big shopping centres invited the “Taiwanese gang” to boost up their economy. APM has invited popular movie “Cape No.7” main character Van Fan and Chie Tanaka, and Xin He also invested $10,000,000 to invite Hey Girl and Mo Fan Qi Bang to host the countdown during New Year Eve. Lollipop will be in Jian Dong Mo Di Park along with a bunch of audience to enter 2009.
According to the news 3 groups received a total of $1,500,000 Hong Kong money as reward.

Last year Rainie Yang received the same amount of reward for the countdown in New Year Eve, but this year with the same amount they invited Hey Girl and Mo Fan Qi Bang. The shopping centre manager said “As the economy is down and these days’ Taiwanese stars are popular, teens are consumer as well. A lot of them will come a day early to get the best seats, this way it could boost up the food industry.” Other than that Lollipop will held an autograph event on the 7th December and will participate in TVB8 Music Award ceremony.

Translated by Choco-late

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