
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

模范棒棒堂 2008.11.07 我的KUSO真好笑大賽 笑得出來算你贏

I always thought that the second season didis aren't kuso enough and for this kuso competition it's a bit of a worry.

In this episode A Wei, Mao Di and Li Quan are the judges. I think Channel[V] shouldn't have shown this episode or maybe they should do this episode when the new didis improve more. It just makes it hard for the audience.

Seriously none of the group are really funny to the point where I start to crack up laughing. The only okay one was Tan Ke, Ah Man and Wan Zi group the rest is I don't know what they are trying to do.

But luckily after the last group the three judges A Wei, Mao Di and Li Quan save the show back with their kuso act of the "comfortable stick". The idea is probably not that funny but it's actually the way their act, I just crack up laughing seeing everyone dancing around like crazy.

They show a little bit of Mo Fan 7 Bang rehearsal for the Golden Bell Award. We get to see a bit of Ao Quan and Xiao Jie.

Youtube Links (uploaded by sugoishow)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5


Unknown says
8 November 2008 at 11:45 am

yea, forgetting the fact that it was just such an awkward episode with the judges just sitting there never becoming remotely amused with any of the acts... i just felt bad for them =/ i felt bad for channel [v] that they're losing "face" in front of the judges... and i feel bad that the new batch of didis haven't grasped the idea of kuso yet. it was painful to watch as a fan who really hopes that they can do well.

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