
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

哪裡5打抗 2008.11.23 WOO燈獎PK賽 連贏10週搏出道

Was late watching this, straight to the point Xiao Long won again versing Xiao Dian. He's gonna run out of moves soon but hope he can still continue on winning.

Group dance, also looking forward to the Dragon Ball group. Their video was so funny acting like a otaku saying they want to be friends with this week's contestants. They are so funny, this time their theme is Elvis Presley Mao ge is always the funny one. Their attitude changed from usual when the girls came out. Both of the group dance were good, entertaining. Mao ge's group lost, no! I really like them they made the show more fun they should of give them a draw.

For the kid's section new contestant is Yea Yea, I reckon Xiao Bai is better than her. Both performance was alright but Bo Xing won at the end.

Next section is the special ability, last week it was a draw with Lada and Ying Ying. Ying Ying shows off her flexibility using the same hoop and Lada again brought a more high technology machine with him. At the end Lada won by 1 point.

Last section is always the one that I find boring this week is not an exceptional, why they always make the pretty girl topic. This topic is pretty aunts saying joke, all of them fail.

The play part was quite funny but a bit too repetitive.

Youtube Links (uploaded by sugoishow)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

Tudou Links (uploaded by smile_wu)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

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