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Season 1 MFBBT - All Episodes Links

Ever since the classical scene of Season 1 MFBBT has shown, I'm sure many people want the links to watch it. But what I read and heard it seem like they are just showing from episode 1 onwards. Which mean there's no point in uploading it as all the episodes have been uploaded on the web already.

You can practically find all the Season 1 MFBBT episodes on youtube or tudou. But tudou would definitely have all the episodes.

I came across a thread on a Lollipop forum and the user has posted all the links for Season 1 MFBBT. I made a copy of it since it might be useful and seeing that some people want to watch back the old episodes but having trouble in finding the links, here it is. Unfortunately all the links are from tudou, I know some people hates tudou but that's what I can find. You can try installing the tudou application that makes the loading faster or stream at a off peak time.

(Right click "Save Target As" to download the page to your computer)

Before in the message board I have posted the first 15 episodes in youtube:

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