
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

[News] Lollipop's performance at Shenzhen

Other than going to Singapore, Lollipop will go to Shenzhen for the New Year concerts. I've heard this news before but wasn't sure so didn't post it up.

Just a copy from the article:
5、深圳衛視:2008年深圳歡樂谷第八屆音樂節、深圳廣播電影電視集團跨年演唱會總共4場:12月24日晚“情歌之夜”、12月25日晚“搖滾之夜”、 12月31日晚“邁向2009跨年演唱會”、2009年1月1 日晚“新生力量”。現已敲定的出場嘉賓有:尚雯婕、蕭正楠、唐朝樂隊、葉世榮、信樂團、水木年華、周曉歐、王箏、棒棒堂等等。改革開放30年嘛,深圳衛視要發威了!

Just a brief translation: 深圳衛視 is the channel name, they are holding 4 New Year concerts. 24th December it's "情歌之夜", 25th December it's "搖滾之夜", 31st December it's "邁向2009跨年演唱會" and lastly 1st January 2009 it's "新生力量".

The time of the broadcast is not known yet, more information will be posted up once known.


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