
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

哪里5打抗 2008.10.26 WOO燈獎PK賽 連贏10週搏出道 & 辣妹說笑話大賽

This episode we have Wang Zi and Xiao Yu as guest.

I'm glad there's only 1 part which a draw again because it would annoying to see a lot of draws. Xiao Long I knew he would win against R Ling and he did. For the group dance, both group seem like they are prepared and the Dragon Ball group won which I thought their dance was more enjoyable than Street Soul. The kids section, this time both of the performance was a little disappointment and they cut out the part where Wang Zi dancing Cang Jing Ge with the kid. The last section special abilities part, because the previous winner 1 of the member had to go back to Malyasia so they forfeit. So it has new contestant and the yoyo guy won which we saw him on MFBBT.

They added a new thing, hot girl telling jokes. The jokes they said aren't funny at all and the 2 who passed was not funny at all. The Mao ge guy was even more funnier than these two. But Wang Zi was cute because he wasn't looking directly at one of the girl at first, I wonder what he was doing.

For the play part continue with the popular movie Cape No.7 and detective conan, this time Xiao Yu participated playing as Andy ge I wonder if next week there's Wang Zi in it.

No screen caps but here's one photo of Wang Zi with the little b-boy kid.

Youtube Links (uploaded by sugoishow)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

Tudou Links (uploaded by freetimevip7)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

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