
Lollipop upcoming schedule

  • 2009.07.XX - Lollipop Hong Kong concert

Lollipop Image Representative for 台北市警察世纪交锋

I'm sure you all might have known about this I was late on posting this. Lollipop Xiao Jie and Ao Quan become the image representative for "台北市警察世纪交锋". For this event they appeared from a 10 stores high building, they glided down slow using wires. Also Ao Quan who has height phobia sucessfully finish this challenge.

They uniform they wore is really nice, they are so shuai wearing it. I personally thinks that Ao Quan looks better than Xiao Jie in it, probably because he's taller and skinner. But it would be even better if the 6 of them wore it.

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